Getting to the Trigger Point of It
When muscles spasm, the tissue contracts and becomes painful, often resulting in knots or trigger points. Chronic muscle spasms can result in decreased flow of oxygen to the contracted tissues and may compress surrounding nerves resulting in referred pain around the spasm. Neuromuscular massage can help.
What is neuromuscular massage?
Neuromuscular massage, or myosequencing, addresses these spasms using alternating levels of concentrated pressure on contracted muscle tissue to “reprogram” it to fire properly. The pressure sequence matches the firing sequences that healthy muscles use to move.
By reprogramming spasmed muscles, neuromuscular massage provides a longer-lasting result than traditional massage alone. Also known as neuromuscular therapy, myosequencing may be used in combination with other massage techniques for a customized massage experience.
“Gailey has been part of my personal care team for over 15 years. I always feel healthier after a massage session with her. She has a comprehensive knowledge of the human musculoskeletal system. And she’s provided me with a customized stretching and movement plan to improve my health.
I haven’t found a massage therapist that does it better than Gailey at Gifts of Healing. She is amazing and truly has the gift of healing.
Neuromuscular massage may benefit individuals with:
Soft tissue injuries
Repetitive stress and other biomechanical issues that pull the soft tissue into abnormal movement patterns
Chronic tension caused by poor posture